Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let's Play the Blame Game

In my studies, of Adam I continue to learn about that one fatel day that changed the world forever. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit God was walking in the cool of the day in the garden. And asked Adam, where are you. Adam never answered the where, he just told God he was hiding. Then the blame game begins. Adam blamed it on the women God gave to him, then the first words God spoke to Eve was What is this you have done, and Eve blamed the serpant. Nobody wanted to take responsibilty for their actions. This continues today, nobody take blame for their own actions. We are a "point the finger" people. As if God's doesn't know. Also, I noticed that their eyes were not opened until the man at the fruit. There are 3 different sins that were introduced, Disbelief (disregarding God's Word and believing Satan instead) Gen 2:16-17, 3: 1-7. Disobedience (acting on personal desire and rejecting God's Word) Gen: 3:6. Lusting (not being content with what is given) Gen 3:6; I John 2:17-18. The other thing I noticed is Eve was not given her name until after they sinned. Next, we will go over the punishment, unless more is revieled to me. See you soon.

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